“Broken” Record
By now you have perhaps read – or at least been told about – the recent cover story in Time magazine titled “The Broken Promise.” The promise - one of retirement benefits and health coverage – has been broken by employers, with the complicity of government, according to the story’s authors. And, in fairness, if one is looking for trouble in the nation’s private pension system, there is trouble to find. Some of those “troublemakers” have been taken to task in this very column. It isn’t just workers who have had “promises” reneged on, of course. Lawmakers have made significant changes to the laws regarding these programs over the years and, unlike the portrait painted by Time, they have frequently served to discourage both the funding of existing programs as well as the formation of new defined benefit programs. Generally, as in the current wave of “reform” legislation, they are targeted at the bad behaviors of a few – but come into effect well after those targets have skipped town....