'Nothing' Doings
I wouldn’t for a second suggest that the current financial/economic crisis that we are enmeshed in isn’t “real,” or that the efforts to remedy it thus far aren’t well-intentioned, but it’s hard to shake the feeling that the words put forth to explain the situation—and thus the solutions put forward to redress that situation—are being done by folks desperate to be seen to be doing something, but not quite (at all?) sure what that something should be. And, IMHO, that inclination won’t diminish with a new Administration eager to prove itself. Let’s face it—even when doing nothing might be the best medicine (and I, for one, am at that point), we tend to believe that “something should be done.” Meanwhile, we have retirement plan participants, most of whom—again—appear to be riding this one out. Oh, there are signs of change on the fringes—some modest reductions in average deferral rates, slight upticks in hardship distributions, and, on particularly volatile days in the market, a bump in