Staying on Course
One of my favorite quotations is George Santayana’s, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” It is also, unfortunately, one of the most overused quotations, generally during times when we are in the middle of repeating an unremembered mistake. The current financial mess on Wall Street is the most recent example, of course. The problem—like the tech bubble that preceded it, the derivatives mess in the mid-1980s, the junk bond blow-up before that—is not that we don’t see it coming. It’s that we don’t do a very good job of knowing when it will hit. That, and nobody wants to leave the “party” before it’s over. And then we all wind up with hangovers. On the plan sponsor side, it was interesting to see the encouraging words of a number of public pension plans this week (see " Public Pension Groups: We’re Still OK ". Most spoke to the long-term nature of their investments, and the short-term security that comfortable funding levels provided. Some offered...