Preparing for the Storm
If you live (or were travelling to) the upper east coast of the U.S. this week, odds are you spent some time making preparations for what looked to be (and by the time you read this likely is) a big winter storm. We don’t always get that much time to prepare, of course – and sometimes when we do, those big storms don’t turn out to be very big after all. But you can generally count on lots of frenzied weather forecasters predicting snow-mageddon (even if they do offer some caveats), and at least one shot of the inside of a local grocery showing empty bread and milk aisles. Because, after all, who could go 48 hours without bread and milk? Life is full of surprises – and though most of those are unaccompanied by a friendly meteorologist to help us anticipate them, one might well wonder why we let them “sneak” up on us without making better preparations. Perhaps the most obvious is the topic of retirement preparation. Any day now the queen mother of retirement confide...