Top 10 Pet Peeves About the Retirement Industry — Part II
Last week, I shared five of my Top 10 Pet Peeves about the Retirement Industry. Here’s the rest of the list. Making “apples to oranges” comparisons of world pension systems. Let’s face it — nobody wants to be “average.” And yet, there are now a handful of retirement industry consultants that, each year, publish a ranking of how the world’s retirement systems rate — and year after year the United States generally comes in about the middle of the pack. Considering just how diverse these systems and the populations they serve are — one might well wonder at the need to rank them. But rank them they do, employing a relatively complex rating system to do so. The most recent was by Mercer — who, once again — held the U.S. in relatively poor esteem compared with the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark and Israel. The Nordic countries are a perennial favorite here — though they all happen to be (much) smaller in population, and more culturally and racially monolithic t...