Et tu, Shlomo?
As Halloween approaches, a leading behavioral science academic has embraced a truly scary idea that involves your 401(k) account. That academic, as you might deduce from the title, is none other than Shlomo Benartzi, professor emeritus at UCLA Anderson School of Management — and more specifically a champion of the application of behavioral finance concepts to retirement plans, notably automatic enrollment and contribution acceleration. As for that scary recommendation, Benartzi has — in a Wall Street Journal op-ed — effectively backed the notion of creating big government-run pools of retirement savings — where ALL retirement savings would be put. “We no longer have jobs for life” he rationalizes, though employment tenure in the private sector has been pretty consistent going all the way back to the 1940s. What HAS changed is the predominance of defined contribution savings plans and — ironically — that system’s increasing reliance on the behavioral science designs that ...