The 'Best' of 2022

 I’ve been writing a weekly column (and then some) for more than two decades now. Some are easier to write (and read)—and some hold up better (and longer) than others. These are some of my (and perhaps your) favorites from 2022.

Let me know what you think in the comments below… particularly if I have missed one of your favorites…  

7 Things to Know About the New ESG Regulation

There’s a lot to unpack in that regulation (and the rest of the 236-pages that help explain its process and rationale), but here’s a few things that seem particularly important to note at the outset.

‘Damned’ (Even) If You Do

The flurry of lawsuits unleashed on holders of the BlackRock LifePath target-date funds is not without precedent—but it’s surely a head scratcher.

Things to Ponder

In the course of my day, I talk to (and email with) people, read a lot, and every so often jot down a random thought or insight that gives me pause and makes me think. See what you think.

6 Obstacles to Retirement Income Adoption

It’s ironic that programs designed to provide retirement income pay so little attention to the realization of that objective.

The Sure Not-So-Sure Thing

Perhaps the only “sure” things are death and taxes after all—but the lesson for those of us still drawing a paycheck and planning for retirement is the importance of preparing for that third “sure” thing when it comes to retirement planning.

7 Assumptions That Can Derail Your Retirement Reality

The future is an uncertain thing, and planning for uncertainty inevitably involves making some assumptions. Here are seven that, done improperly, can—yes, derail your retirement realities.

5 Dangerous Fiduciary Assumptions

There’s an old saying that when you assume… well, here are some assumptions that can create real headaches for retirement plan fiduciaries.

9 Things You May Not Know About the Saver’s Credit 

As I was pulling together tax information this weekend, I was reminded that, in addition to the benefits of pre-tax savings and deferred taxes on retirement savings, there’s another tax benefit—but one of which many aren’t aware.

Not-So-Unforeseen Outcomes

Thanks to their mother, my kids have grown up with a variety of pets in our house—but none more bizarre than our experience with… a chicken.

- Nevin E. Adams, JD


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