Grading on the Curve
A recent analysis of world pension systems gave America a passing grade, but not a good one. The latest—the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index [i] —gave the United States a C+ (though a B in adequacy!) ranking our retirement “system” well down (22 nd ) in the list of 47 retirement income systems around the world. This particular index is comprised of three sub-indices: adequacy, sustainability and integrity, which the authors say are used to measure each of the retirement systems against some 50 “indicators.” [ii] Of course, people are entitled to establish whatever criteria they think is reasonable in such matters, but those who would accept their grading at face value would be well-advised to consider both the assumptions and weighting applied to derive those outcomes. To the sponsors’ credit, the 144-page document provides lots of opportunity to do just that. Perhaps the biggest challenge of a system like ours matched up against some of these other systems i...